Sunday service now starts at 9:30
What is a Deacon?
At St. Andrew, we call the Deacons the caring arm of the church. The Greek word used for deacon literally means to wait on tables, that is, to be a servant.
Deacons are people too.
The folks who serve as Deacons are just like you – they have families, jobs and concerns. We pray for each other and assist each other in our times of need. We have been selected based on our commitment to our faith in Christ and our willingness to serve His people.
What is the function of a Deacon?
In the early church, the deacons were assigned the task of taking care of the welfare of widows. In today’s church, deacons are assigned with the practical day-to-day care of the congregation. The day-to-day care includes, but is not limited to: prayer concerns, home visitations and the care for families who are in need of some form of assistance. Our Deacons act as a line of communication between the congregation, the pastor, and the church staff. The Deacons maintain a list of community resource contacts that are used to give direction to people in need. The Deacons are involved in the daily life of the church, expressing our faith in the service that we provide. We are servants of Christ and His people.
Who should call a Deacon?
If a person or family has a need or concern of any degree or importance, they may call a Deacon for assistance. No need or concern is too small or too large. The Deacons are available and want to assist you.
Parishes help you connect with the church.
Your Deacons bring church attendees together through parishes, a great way to connect with one another in smaller groups. Each family is assigned a Deacon who they can reach out to for prayers, etc. If you don't know your Parish Deacon or you would like to be part of the parish ministry, please contact the church office at or 707-996-6024.
Class of 2025
Sharon Balding
Class of 2026
John Beltz
Roger Fetters
Dreena Kutch
Eric and Karen Taggesell
Karen Taylor
Class of 2027
Jennifer Blackwood
Ken Blackwood
Rene Coronado
Tekla Coronado
Lora Grimes