Sunday service now starts at 9:30
Earth Care Congregation
In March 2022 St. Andrew received the Earth Care Congregation Certification from Presbyterian Church (USA). We are thrilled to be one of approximately 300 Earth Care congregations (out of a total of more than 8,000 Presbyterian congregations in the US).
New Solar System
Also in March 2022, we dedicated our new solar system. It will provide 100% of the Church's electricity for the next 30 years. It was made possible by a concerted and collaborative effort by Session, the Green Team and our Pastor Nicole.
Recycle, Compost, and Trash Bins
The Green Team installed new bins throughout the church campus including this one in the Fellowship Hall. The team has also spent considerable time educating the congregation about What-Goes-Where.
Green Coffee Service
The Green Team replaced disposable coffee cups with new ceramic cups that are used and washed each Sunday. This saves over 2,000 cups from going to our landfill every year.
Produce and Flower Exchange
During the summer, the congregation is invited to share the bounty of their gardens with the rest of the congregation. Excess produce is donated to Sonoma Overnight Shelter, the local unhoused support service.
St. Andrew participates in the Sonoma County Adopt-A-Road program. Twice a year, a team of six cleans up one mile of Arnold Drive north of the church.
Owl Box
In 2023, St. Andrew installed a barn owl box for rodent control. A barn owl can consume 3-4 rats or mice every day. The entire purchase and installation are thanks to a generous donation from two of our church members.