Sunday service now starts at 9:30
Environmental Issues and News
Treehugger -
A sustainability site that offers advice, recommendations, and inspiration for living green.
Earth911 -
The largest recycling database in the nation and a source for making small, simple changes that will reduce the environmental impact of life, work, and shopping.
Grist -
Independent organization dedicated to sharing stories of climate solutions.
Energy News -
Nonprofit news site dedicated to keeping influencers, policymakers and citizens informed of the important changes taking place in the transition to a clean energy system.
Living on Earth -
Public radio's regional environmental news and information weekly
Products and Services
TruEarth -
St. Andrew has partnered with TruEarth for fundraising. For every $1.00 spent at TruEarth using this link, $0.20 will be sent to St. Andrew to help fund our Prayer/Mediation Garden.
Green Citizen -
Provides information and services to enable anyone to live a sustainable life.
Recology -
Sustainable resource recovery practices for Sonoma and Marin counties.
Directory of sustainable and green products for residential and commercial properties.
Green America -
Browse the National Green Pages to find green, healthy, and ethical products & services from socially responsible businesses.
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church has become an Earth Care Congregation. As part of our Earth Care outreach, we are posting Environmental Moments in our weekly newsletter.