Sunday service now starts at 9:30
Hi St. Andrew Friends!
For the past several years your Green Team has adopted the area on Arnold Drive from St. Andrew to Sonoma Developmental Center. We gather the trash for Cal Trans to pick up and we gather the discarded recycling to put into our recycling bins two times a year. We have a group of 6 - 8 Green Team volunteers to do the work. We do it during the “Don’t Go To Church, Be The Church” day as well as one Saturday in October. This year we will be working on Saturday, October 26th. We have a good time and it feels good to help beautify our neighborhood! Go Green Team!! Eileen Haflich is our contact person if you would like to participate, please let her know.
“The Adopt-A-Highway program, which began in 1989, has been one of the truly successful government-public partnerships of our time. A total of 176,000 participants have cleaned and enhanced more than 140,000 shoulder miles of roadside and saved taxpayers $265 million ($19 million annually).” From the Cal Trans Adopt A Highway website.
Caryn Prince, St. Andrew Green Team