Sunday service now starts at 9:30
How does your Garden Grow?
Share what your Garden Grows!
Produce Exchange Sunday July 28
… And also Sunday August 18
Bring the fruits of your labor to share with the congregation following our Service.
And speaking of fruits, did you know that anything that contains the seeds of the plant is a fruit, not a vegetable! Botanically speaking, by definition, a fruit refers to those plant structures that are seed-bearing, and whose function is to continue the plant lineage by scattering those seeds toward reproduction.
That means that many items you consider to be vegetables are actually fruits! Seriously? Yes!
These items are actually fruits!
• Tomatoes
• Tomatillos
• Eggplants
• Okra
• Summer squashes (like zucchini)
• Winter squashes (like butternut)
• Avocados
• Sweet peppers
• Cucumbers
• Pumpkins
Vegetables are all the other plant parts — roots, stems, stalks, and edible leaves.
Most vegetables and fruits are best in the summer time and of course, they have the most delicious flavor when grown locally in your garden, picked recently from your garden, and brought to St. Andrew to share!
We invite you to bring the bounty of your harvest including flowers to St. Andrew! What is not exchanged, we will take to SOS, Sonoma Overnight Support.
Thank you for your participation.
P.S. How are your plants doing from the April Plant Exchange? Ours are doing well, Dwarf Sunflowers from 2 seeds!
by: Leslie Rundell, St. Andrew Green Team