Green Tip #18: Follow Recycling Guidelines

The Presbyterian Church USA actively encourages all congregations to be good stewards of all our God-given flora, fauna, and natural resources. St Andrew is actively pursuing an Earth Care Congregation designation by the PCUSA, with your help, this is an achievable goal for 2021.


Good News: The bald eagle population has quadrupled since 2009 after being on the brink of extinction not that long ago.

Green Tip #18: At the inside Church service on April 25, Eileen handed out and briefly discussed the Recology guidelines for the recycling and compost bins. For those of you who were not able to attend this service, it is attached for your reference. Some people mentioned that the City of Sonoma Waste Company has different guidelines, and in fact that’s true – Sonoma composting guidelines are much more liberal! For example, you can put certified compostable products such as bags and utensils in the compost bin – this is a big win! Here is the link for what goes where in the City of Sonoma:
BUT, please be an earth friendly consumer. When you purchase something ask yourself:

- Do I really need it?

- If the packaging is plastic, can I buy the same product in a glass jar or can?

- Can I reuse the packaging?

- Can I recycle the packaging?

- Reuse is better than recycling, and recycling is better than the landfill. For example, the plastic package for some plant-based burgers is a perfect water base for plants.