Green Tip #22: Plastic Free July

The Presbyterian Church USA actively encourages all congregations to be good stewards of all our God-given flora, fauna, and natural resources. St Andrew is actively pursuing an Earth Care Congregation designation by the PCUSA, with your help, this is an achievable goal for 2021.

Good News: Vermont is the first state to outright ban throwing away food waste

Green Tip #22: This month is the annual celebration of Plastic Free July! Everyone is encouraged to eliminate (or at least limit) your purchase or use of plastics, particularly single use plastic. If you have ever tried to do this, you know how difficult it is and how ubiquitous plastic is in packaging. Whenever possible, choose canned goods over plastic packaging, buy from farmer’s markets, reuse your plastic produce bags at your grocery store, and utilize the meat counter at your local store instead of buying pre-packaged meats. Sonoma County has a Plastic Free July campaign with four separate actions we can take:
1. Make a pledge to eliminate or reduce your plastic consumption.
2. Organize or participate in a clean up of your neighborhood, a beach, or a park.
3. Sign up for any or several upcoming webinars (see link below).
4. Attend the screening of the “Story of Plastic” on July 30th. Information and links for all these and more can be found on the Zero Waste Sonoma Website:
Good Luck! Eileen.