Green Tip #36 – “Sharing the Bounty”

Thank you St Andrew Congregation! Our first annual Produce and Bloom Exchange was a tremendous success, thanks to the many gardeners who shared their bounty on Sunday August 21st.


This was a Green Team project (thanks to Lora Grimes and Barbara Roberts for their help). And why the Green Team you might ask? There are two reasons:

  1. Food waste
  2. Food insecurity

Food waste in our landfills is one of the top three emitters of greenhouse gases. When food waste breaks down in a landfill it creates methane which is 80% more harmful than carbon dioxide in creating climate change. Of course, if you have been reading our Environmental Moments you know that all food waste should be put in your green Recology compost bin, but we should also be trying to minimize food waste in the first place. Oftentimes, people are unable to consume the fruits and vegetables they grow and it goes to waste. But rather than let this excess go to waste, why not redistribute to where it is needed?


Climate Change disproportionately affects the needest among us, particularly the homeless. While most of us have resources to keep us safe from severe weather, pollution, and rising costs due to drought and other external events, those without such resources are unhealthier, hungrier, and displaced due in part to Climate Change.  It’s for this reason that the PCUSA Earth Care Congregation Ministry is under the broader Prebyterian Hunger Program.  Food insecurity is a major and growing problem in the world and our local community. Our local homeless resource center (Sonoma Overnight Shelter) serves more than 55,000 meals per year to the food insecure in our community.  I’m happy to report that a large box of fresh produce from our Exchange was donated to SOS. 


Thank you again for reducing waste and helping those who are food insecure.


Eileen Haflich
St Andrew Green Team Leader